Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015

May 3, 2015

Favorite of the day. A special moment for my son and I, we went out to spend quality time together and do some Senior pictures. I cherished every minute, from the enormous snake slithering across the road, to a narrow miss with the rocks, to shedding a few tears when I captured this moment with him. I am in awe of the storms he has battled and has come out the victor in the end. You are an amazing example to people who you know and those who you don't know. Love this man!! He pretty much rocked all of it. So glad I can choose lots and lots and lots of them. Perks of being a photographer! HeeHee Love you Cale!

Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015 boy,senior boy,
Cale Bybee SENIORS 2015

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