Individual Portraits with Hannah

August 14, 2014

This gorgeous young lady asked me to take her pictures and it worked out perfectly because I was wanting to practice some Urban photography. Great minds think alike! We started bright and early on a Saturday morning in downtown Salt Lake City.  This was perfect because we  had the streets all to ourselves and could move about wherever we wanted to. Hannah was a fantastic model who was game for anything to try.  Some things worked and some didn't but we always tried it.  We laughed and had such a great time and stayed way too long because I couldn't stop pushing my shutter button. Thanks Hannah for a most memorable time together.  Love ya!

Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah
Individual Portraits with Hannah

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