Jeppsen Family Session

October 27, 2015

I had the opportunity to take pictures of another great family that I know. Our oldest son spent a lot of time at their house just hanging out and being invited to be a part of their family. I always appreciated the fact their house was a safe place to go and that their family enveloped our son into their family so being able to photograph them was an honor. It was easy to see the personalities of each son and I love how they interacted with each other. It made me laugh inside often because it was like being at home watching my own boys annoy each other in a very loving brotherly way. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into the life of your wonderful family!

Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session
Jeppsen Family Session

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