Katie & Randall Hill Family Session

October 11, 2014

Meet the Hill family that came back for a family photo session. One of my favorite shots of them last year was when I asked them to jump up in the air as a family. Fast forward to this year and the mom requested that shot again! I quickly obliged and it turned out fantastic!

My favorite part of this shoot was when the security guard hung out for a good 5 minutes at the downtown plaza area before asking us to leave. New policies, unbeknownst to me, were you had to arrange ahead of time now. He was a kind young man who allowed us to still get a fantastic family photo before we had to leave. Always exciting times with this family. Thank you Hill Family for laughter and humor and good times. I hope to see you again next year!
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session children,family,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session children,family,individuals,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session children,family,individuals,
Katie & Randall Hill Family Session children,family,individuals,

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