Lamoreaux Family Session

November 27, 2015

I have to say that I fell in love with this family even before I met them in person. However, upon seeing their beyond adorable daughter and the genuine smiles of each parent at their mini session, it brought such a joy inside of me and an excitement to take their photos. Giving them a day of wonderful memories was my goal and capturing the beautiful eyes of their daughter was my second goal. I do hope I was able to accomplish both. What a wonderful little family and my goodness, I could cuddle with their wee one all day long!!! I hope I get the chance to take more photos of their family and daughter as the years go by. Thank you to the Lamoreaux family for letting me be your photographer for the day. It was a genuine pleasure!!

Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session
Lamoreaux Family Session

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