McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015

April 17, 2015

I had an amazing creative time with McKenna this weekend. I wish the sun would have stayed shining for a few more hours so I could continue to capture the beauty and grace of this gorgeous ballerina. She is a wonderful young woman whom I love like crazy!!! Thank you to Wendy Hurst for giving some great inspiration and food for thought for me to think about when I am trying to take what's inside my head and bring it out on camera. Probably the cutest moment of the night was meeting this little girl (See the last picture of the session) rushing down the steps as her mom said "There's the ballerina!" She had to use the restroom and was rushing back to say hi to McKenna as she had been watching her get her pictures taken the whole time and trying to copy what McKenna was doing. Sweet McKenna took the time to say hi to her and dance with her. I was able to take a few quick pictures to capture why I adore McKenna. True Deep Beauty shines forth from her. The little girl could see it and we could all feel it.

McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015
McKenna Soffe SENIORS 2015

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