April 28, 2018 11:26 PM
Wow! Being able to photograph Alivia and Tanner was the highlight of my week. I love Miss Livy and when she asked me to take her engagement photos I was jumping for a store...but in a super tactful way...maybe. Here is your session Tanner and Alivia! It was super hard to decide which ones to keep!
February 17, 2018 11:26 PM
The golden lighting on this day was amazingly beautiful to capture the love these two have for each other. I do love a session that includes a wee bit of fun too!!! Enjoy your photos Tori & Collin. Congrats!!!
November 18, 2017 11:22 PM
Honestly I had a really good time taking these photos. I was relentless in my pursuit of genuine smiles and was able to eek some out of every single person there. Hah!!!!
October 28, 2017 11:19 PM
Every once in a while I will ask my clients to just pick there own comfortable pose and it ends up being one of my favorites every time. Why? Because everyone is in their own relaxed element and their personalities show right through. Such is the case with this one of these photos. I love everything about this session. What you can't see is the Dad first started in his own space and then realized he needed to be much closer to his wife and once he was he was pretty happy. Love it!!! ......
October 19, 2017 11:22 PM
I have lost count of the number of years I have taken the Peterson's family photos but each year I absolutely LOVE the experience. Oh my, the personalities of the kids is my favorite experience each year. If you could see the fun outtakes you would understand why I love photographing this family. I was able to capture a few candid photos this year too and be still my heart, they are the highlight of the session. ......
April 22, 2017 11:24 PM
I was smiling the whole time as I was editing this family's photos. They just have so much joy and fun and I completely love their candid photos. The outtakes are post worthy. Enjoy a little humor as you browse!!! I am so glad I was able to photograph the whole Lancaster family. What a joyful session. I am so lucky to have been able to take their photos. Everyone was unique and they didn't try to hide their uniqueness. It made it quite fun and exciting and oh we got some doosie photos that will ......
November 27, 2015 4:05 PM
I have to say that I fell in love with this family even before I met them in person. However, upon seeing their beyond adorable daughter and the genuine smiles of each parent at their mini session, it brought such a joy inside of me and an excitement to take their photos. Giving them a day of wonderful memories was my goal and capturing the beautiful eyes of their daughter was my second goal. I do hope I was able to accomplish both. What a wonderful little family and my goodness, I could cuddle ......
October 24, 2015 8:18 PM
I will never get tired of photographing this family. I just have to be prepared with tissues to wipe my tears of laughter and maybe bring a tripod to be sure I get those awesome shots even when I am laughing so hard my hands can't keep my camera steady. It is NEVER a dull moment when doing a photo session with this amazing awesome family. Loved your photo session once again, from the wiping of eyes, to the jokes on the side and in the middle and pretty much everywhere, to the sweet tender moment ......
October 3, 2015 6:57 PM
Adventures around every corner with the Hill Family. Literally!!! Goodness Katie, I don't want to miss taking your family pictures when we have great adventures like we do. Most interesting experiences when doing a session award goes to this family!!! Thanks for hiring me year after year. I love to watch your family grow and get more beautiful and handsome every time. Props to the littles on sticking it out to the end!! ......
September 22, 2015 6:57 PM
Here is my second family. We have created so many memories and I was finally able to capture the whole family together ;) It was a whirl wind event running here and there to race the sun before it went down, even trying to capture a few when the sun was far into expiring for the day. The children were wonderful and kept a good attitude the whole time. I have a few favorites for sure, including the very first photo that Jason posed especially for me. He just knows how to strike the right pose for ......

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