
Sister Webber - MISSIONARY 2022 Lima Peru
June 1, 2022 7:54 AM Blog
I have taken photos of this young lady before. Her Senior pictures were amazing. These photos by far surpass all my favorites because of just how confident she is. Her eyes tell me, she's got this. Her standing tall tells me she can do anything. I am totally in love with these photos of Hermana Webber and I cannot be happier for her as she moves forward serving her mission in Chile!!! Thank you for trusting me with your missionary photos Megan! I am so glad I could take them for you. ......
Missionary Elder Matthew Anderson
March 22, 2021 2:27 PM Blog
Congrats to this amazing young man serving in the DC area speaking Farsi. I’m so glad I could be here to take your missionary photos and that you had such a great time at your session.
Missionary Sister L Peterson
November 24, 2017 11:24 PM Blog
I adore Miss Liv!!!! When she asked me to take her missionary photos I was so excited! Congrats on your mission call to TWO countries Miss Liv!!!!
Missionary Elder Sanchez
September 19, 2015 4:30 PM Blog
Meet Elder SanchezWe had a fun early morning shoot today and he was fantastic and such a gentleman. He didn't even laugh when I fell in the creek TWICE!! Yes, that's right. Twice. I told him he needed to laugh because it WAS funny and if I was laughing then he had permission to do so anyway. Fortunately it was a quick shoot, of which every teenage guy is grateful for. Thank you for asking me to take them Brandon. It was so much fun and you look amazing. Your real smile is wonderful to see. Best ......
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