September 22, 2015 6:57 PM
Here is my second family. We have created so many memories and I was finally able to capture the whole family together ;) It was a whirl wind event running here and there to race the sun before it went down, even trying to capture a few when the sun was far into expiring for the day. The children were wonderful and kept a good attitude the whole time. I have a few favorites for sure, including the very first photo that Jason posed especially for me. He just knows how to strike the right pose for ......
September 19, 2015 4:30 PM
Meet Elder SanchezWe had a fun early morning shoot today and he was fantastic and such a gentleman. He didn't even laugh when I fell in the creek TWICE!! Yes, that's right. Twice. I told him he needed to laugh because it WAS funny and if I was laughing then he had permission to do so anyway. Fortunately it was a quick shoot, of which every teenage guy is grateful for. Thank you for asking me to take them Brandon. It was so much fun and you look amazing. Your real smile is wonderful to see. Best ......

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