November 27, 2015 4:05 PM
I have to say that I fell in love with this family even before I met them in person. However, upon seeing their beyond adorable daughter and the genuine smiles of each parent at their mini session, it brought such a joy inside of me and an excitement to take their photos. Giving them a day of wonderful memories was my goal and capturing the beautiful eyes of their daughter was my second goal. I do hope I was able to accomplish both. What a wonderful little family and my goodness, I could cuddle ......
September 22, 2015 6:57 PM
Here is my second family. We have created so many memories and I was finally able to capture the whole family together ;) It was a whirl wind event running here and there to race the sun before it went down, even trying to capture a few when the sun was far into expiring for the day. The children were wonderful and kept a good attitude the whole time. I have a few favorites for sure, including the very first photo that Jason posed especially for me. He just knows how to strike the right pose for ......

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